30〜40代に「ロハス」をテーマにライフスタイル情報を発信するWeb magazine MYLOHAS様からインタビュー取材。R ethical jewelry代表星まりさんと共に、自分も人も幸せにする生き方、10月に行われた国際ガールズデーイベントについてトークしました。
Creative director Chiaki has been interviewed from Lohas life style web magazine “MY LOHAS”. She talked about women’s new career style in Japan, International girl’s day event with Hoshi Mari who is a founder of R ethical jewelry.
Creative director Chiaki has been interviewed from Lohas life style web magazine “MY LOHAS”. She talked about women’s new career style in Japan, International girl’s day event with Hoshi Mari who is a founder of R ethical jewelry.