Happy Pad Project ワークショップ in インド
Happy Pad Project, Workshop for girls in India
去年から参画させていただいている 一般社団法人日本女子力推進事業団(Girl Power Promotion)の第一弾プロジェクトである Happy Pad Project。
インドの3億5500万人に上ると想定される月経のある女性のうち、生理用ナプキンを使用しているのはたったの12%といわれています。残りの88%は、古い布など周りにあるもので代用している現実があり、また初潮を迎え、生理がはじまると20%近くの数の女の子が身体の変化への対処法が分からないまま、学校をドロップアウトすると言われています。そんなインドの10代の少女たちに清潔な布ナプキンを配布し、月経や女性の体の仕組みについてのワークショップを行う、そのための寄付を行う、それがHappy Pad Projectの試みです。
インド オーロヴィルで、女性の独立支援を兼ねながら、コットンナプキンの製造・販売をエシカルな方法で行っているEco Femmeとともにワークショップを今年の夏に共同実施。使い捨てナプキンではないので、自分で洗って繰り返し使えます。
私もEco Femmeからもらった布ナプキンを使用しましたが、デザインも使い心地もすばらしいのです。
布ナプキンセットとGirl Power Promotionのフラッグを持つ女の子たち
南インドのTamil Nadu 州でワークショップを開催
自分を含む、日本の女性にもインドの少女にも、この人間の身体の神秘である月経をとても大切にしてほしい、誇りにおもってほしいと願います。このプロジェクトを主催してくださっているGirl Power Promotion ご関係者の皆様、現地サポートをしてくれている、Eco Femmeのメンバーにこころから感謝します。
There was great news from the project team in India of Happy Pad Project.
Happy Project has been started by “Girl Power Promotion” in Japan to empower, support girls in the world who are living in socially disadvantaged environment and have no access to education or products that enable them to manage their menstruation in a healthy and dignified way. I am working with “Girl Power Promotion” as the project director.
In india, it is estimated that there are 355 million women have menstruation and only 12% of them use sanitary napkins. 88% left are using old cloths, saris as a alternative tool of napkins. Besides, 20% of girls stop going to the school after they have menarche because of anxiety to their physical change.Our purpose is to provide clean and hygienic napkins and hold a workshop to learn about menstruation and women’s bodily functions to such girls.
We very fortunately found a great project partner – Eco femme located in Auroville in South india- they have been selling good quality cotton pads and holding workshops to school girls in local area. They are producing pads with women in local area to improve their livelihood as well. I also experienced their products and found them really comfortable. Girl Power Promotion made a donation to Ecofemme and they kindly support Happy pad project in the school.
They sent us photos of the 1st workshop held lately. ( Photos are above)
In Japan, we have a old custom to make auspicious steamed rice with red beans to celebrate girl’s growth. In India, it depends on the area and the religion but generally speaking, it is regard repulsive or negligible in the society.
Even in Japan, if you try to purchase the sanitary pad in Convenience store, the staff struggle with nontransparent paper bag to squeeze the pads in not a plastic bag. In my view, first, it make us feel that “Period is something to be embarrassed” more and it looks even more outstanding than normal plastic bag.
I hope women in Japan, India and rest of the world value their menstruation and be proud of this secret of nature.
Many thanks for your kindness always – Kathy and Jessamijin of Eco femme and members of Girl Power Promotion.
Source :
インドの3億5500万人に上ると想定される月経のある女性のうち、生理用ナプキンを使用しているのはたったの12%といわれています。残りの88%は、古い布など周りにあるもので代用している現実があり、また初潮を迎え、生理がはじまると20%近くの数の女の子が身体の変化への対処法が分からないまま、学校をドロップアウトすると言われています。そんなインドの10代の少女たちに清潔な布ナプキンを配布し、月経や女性の体の仕組みについてのワークショップを行う、そのための寄付を行う、それがHappy Pad Projectの試みです。
インド オーロヴィルで、女性の独立支援を兼ねながら、コットンナプキンの製造・販売をエシカルな方法で行っているEco Femmeとともにワークショップを今年の夏に共同実施。使い捨てナプキンではないので、自分で洗って繰り返し使えます。
私もEco Femmeからもらった布ナプキンを使用しましたが、デザインも使い心地もすばらしいのです。
布ナプキンセットとGirl Power Promotionのフラッグを持つ女の子たち
南インドのTamil Nadu 州でワークショップを開催
自分を含む、日本の女性にもインドの少女にも、この人間の身体の神秘である月経をとても大切にしてほしい、誇りにおもってほしいと願います。このプロジェクトを主催してくださっているGirl Power Promotion ご関係者の皆様、現地サポートをしてくれている、Eco Femmeのメンバーにこころから感謝します。
There was great news from the project team in India of Happy Pad Project.
Happy Project has been started by “Girl Power Promotion” in Japan to empower, support girls in the world who are living in socially disadvantaged environment and have no access to education or products that enable them to manage their menstruation in a healthy and dignified way. I am working with “Girl Power Promotion” as the project director.
In india, it is estimated that there are 355 million women have menstruation and only 12% of them use sanitary napkins. 88% left are using old cloths, saris as a alternative tool of napkins. Besides, 20% of girls stop going to the school after they have menarche because of anxiety to their physical change.Our purpose is to provide clean and hygienic napkins and hold a workshop to learn about menstruation and women’s bodily functions to such girls.
We very fortunately found a great project partner – Eco femme located in Auroville in South india- they have been selling good quality cotton pads and holding workshops to school girls in local area. They are producing pads with women in local area to improve their livelihood as well. I also experienced their products and found them really comfortable. Girl Power Promotion made a donation to Ecofemme and they kindly support Happy pad project in the school.
They sent us photos of the 1st workshop held lately. ( Photos are above)
In Japan, we have a old custom to make auspicious steamed rice with red beans to celebrate girl’s growth. In India, it depends on the area and the religion but generally speaking, it is regard repulsive or negligible in the society.
Even in Japan, if you try to purchase the sanitary pad in Convenience store, the staff struggle with nontransparent paper bag to squeeze the pads in not a plastic bag. In my view, first, it make us feel that “Period is something to be embarrassed” more and it looks even more outstanding than normal plastic bag.
I hope women in Japan, India and rest of the world value their menstruation and be proud of this secret of nature.
Many thanks for your kindness always – Kathy and Jessamijin of Eco femme and members of Girl Power Promotion.
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