Don't waste this chance, India.



インドの原宿と勝手に呼んでいる、ハウスカズエリアやシャプールジャットエリアの入り口は、なぜここに?というほど、通行人がポイ捨てしていく、ごみ溜めがあったのですが、それがおよそ半分ほど清掃されていました。いつのまに断捨離したのかな?あのインド人が、急に「JT」のCMみたいに、街ひろい活動しはじめるとは思えないし、、、 そんな印象でした。

モディ首相は、就任当初から、” SWACHH BHARAT (Clean up India) “というスローガンを掲げていて、自ら魔女のようなホウキを持ってパフォーマンスするなど、PRをしていましたが、それが功を奏したのか。



レシートの合計金額のまえに、”Swach Bharat Cess 0.2%” (クリーニングアップ税 0.2%)の文字。0.2%とはいえ、12.5億人からの0.2%は、相当な投資。(この課税レートは、地域や状況によって違うようです)

「インドの人たちをつないでいるものは、貨幣と国歌と、クリケットしかない。」というのはよく言われる冗談ですが、そんなインド人を、しかも12.5億人もの人たちを、とりまとめている、リーダーシップと演説の鬼である、モディ首相。彼はいま、Clean India, Degital India, Make in India と誰しもがわかるスローガンをつかって、それをひとつひとつ、具現化させています。



I visited in India in Jan 2016 and in this time, I realized the cities in India is getting slightly clean than last time. Especially in Delhi, old Delhi was bustling, quite littered as always but in the street in New Delhi, I was so surprised at the sight without garbage and even some staff were middle of cleaning up.
Since when have they changed their public manner? Can human being change their attitude in such a short period? or legal punishment has started? Lots of questions popped up in my mind.
Prime minister Modi has been initiating “ Swacch Bharat Abhiyan” campaign since he has been taken office as prime minister of India.
I have seen his action for PR in Media when he was cleaning the road himself , has it achieve a successful outcome.
These all questions has been solved out when I got the receipt from the staff in Cafe in Delhi. I found words it says “ Swacch Bharat Cess 0.2% (Cleaning up tax 0.2%)”. Only 0.2% but can you imagine 0.2% from 1. 25 billion people.
(The percentage differs depends on city and situation.)

Indian people sometimes says “ What makes us one country is, Rupee, anthem and cricket.” It express how it is difficult to unite Indian people for same one mission.
“Clean India” initially was a dream of Mahatma Gandhi. He always dreamed to see people are giving hands each other to clean up the street.
I just can say “ Don’t waste this chance this time, India.” And I will promise you that I will pick up the garbage on the street in next time in India.