3ヶ月かけて作っています。見た目以上に (笑)ハートがこもったカードです。
「あのう、これから見学させてもらってもいいですか?」と突撃する、という旅ならではの、行き当たりばったり感。運転手さんは、普通工場の外で待っているものですが、ジャイプールはいまだにFeudal (封建)的な風土が残っていて、彼はさいごまで一言もしゃべらず、いかつい顔で横に立っていました。それが彼らにとっての「ゲストへのリスペクト」の表現なのです。でも、心はとってもあたたかい。「不器用な高倉健が多い街だなあ」と思いました。
As you may know, I love words and hand writing, I am sending greeting cards to my co-workers, friends of course my family. I made VEGANIE’s greeting cards from recycled cotton paper in May last year in Rajasthan, India. For that, I visited the factory and saw first hand the process to make recycled paper
Western India is very famous for jewelry and garments including cotton related business. Usually, cotton garment production leads to waste cotton and leftovers. Our partner, recycled paper factory is make good use of these left overs – in Japanese “Mottainai (Making good use of something) “ business.
First, pulverize left over cotton, Add the color.
In the end, press the cotton to be a paper.
(photos are above)
In this factory, they are also good at block printing not only producing a paper. On our cards, we asked them to put some petals of flower like marigold, roses which were waste from the flower shops.
By coincidence, taxi driver knew this factory so that we have visited them without any appointments. This is the best part of trip. In Rajasthan, the feudal system is somehow remains even today, taxi driver was coming along with us from start to the end with no words and no smiles, this was his way of showing respect to us as guests.
Take the photo with no-smiling but very kind and helpful guys in Jaipur at the last of tour.
(photo is above)
I hope you could enjoy our postcard made with these funny story filled journey.
3ヶ月かけて作っています。見た目以上に (笑)ハートがこもったカードです。
「あのう、これから見学させてもらってもいいですか?」と突撃する、という旅ならではの、行き当たりばったり感。運転手さんは、普通工場の外で待っているものですが、ジャイプールはいまだにFeudal (封建)的な風土が残っていて、彼はさいごまで一言もしゃべらず、いかつい顔で横に立っていました。それが彼らにとっての「ゲストへのリスペクト」の表現なのです。でも、心はとってもあたたかい。「不器用な高倉健が多い街だなあ」と思いました。
As you may know, I love words and hand writing, I am sending greeting cards to my co-workers, friends of course my family. I made VEGANIE’s greeting cards from recycled cotton paper in May last year in Rajasthan, India. For that, I visited the factory and saw first hand the process to make recycled paper
Western India is very famous for jewelry and garments including cotton related business. Usually, cotton garment production leads to waste cotton and leftovers. Our partner, recycled paper factory is make good use of these left overs – in Japanese “Mottainai (Making good use of something) “ business.
First, pulverize left over cotton, Add the color.
In the end, press the cotton to be a paper.
(photos are above)
In this factory, they are also good at block printing not only producing a paper. On our cards, we asked them to put some petals of flower like marigold, roses which were waste from the flower shops.
By coincidence, taxi driver knew this factory so that we have visited them without any appointments. This is the best part of trip. In Rajasthan, the feudal system is somehow remains even today, taxi driver was coming along with us from start to the end with no words and no smiles, this was his way of showing respect to us as guests.
Take the photo with no-smiling but very kind and helpful guys in Jaipur at the last of tour.
(photo is above)
I hope you could enjoy our postcard made with these funny story filled journey.